I want to create a docker container for bind instead of running a dns/dhcp virtual server. Basically, I am trying to move into the current decade. As per my last post, setting up docker turned out to be pretty easy. As I need to create a couple of different containers, I wanted to document my experience here in order to replicate it for dhcp and web services.

Docker base image

I wanted to start with the base ubuntu image and then overlay bind on top. In the future, I want to use a docker file to do these steps, but first I want to try it manually to make sure I have the right steps.

Most instructions I found on the internet simply called to publish by the port numbers, but my machine has port 53 bound to dnsmasq on the bridge ip that KVM uses. As such, I had to specify which ip address I wanted port 53 to bind to

docker run -it --name xdns -h xdns --publish --publish ubuntu

Start installing stuff

Once I had the image up, I simply tried installing bind.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install bind9
/etc/init.d/bind9 start

This seemed way to easy. Quickly testing that it worked showed that it really was that easy.

dig google.com

Next steps

While this technically worked, it didn’t do a whole lot as I didn’t do any of the bind config work. So I went ahead and removed the container I just created and tried again - this time mounting local folders to the config folders that bind uses.

docker rm xdns
mkdir /srv/xnds/etc_bind
mkdir /srv/xnds/var_lib_bind

Next I copied all of my bind configs over to these newly created folders. If you are interested in my whole bind setup, I am pretty sure there is another post on this site that goes into that - dns setup post.

I did have to make one interesting change in my config to make this work - in the my named.conf.options file I had listed localhost and localnets as “internal” networks to respond to. Unfortunately, this didn’t work with this setup - I am assuming the paired down docker image didn’t understand what network it was a part of. Simply adding to the internal acl fixed this.

After that, I went ahead and created xdns again, this time with the volumes mapping to my newly created folders.

docker run -it --name xdns -h xdns --publish --publish --volume /srv/xdns/etc_bind:/etc/bind --volume /srv/xdns/var_lib_bind:/var/lib/bind ubuntu

Once again, I went through my simple setup steps to install bind and start the services.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install bind9
/etc/init.d/bind9 start

Last thoughts

That’s it for today - I still want to setup a dockerfile for this process, but that is a project for a different night…


docker-bind Sameersbn has an awesome opensource project for running bind in a docker container. I looked through his dockerfile and shell scripts to understand how this is all glued together - I highly recommend his if you are looking for the easy option to running bind in a container.